Prijave za obuke su već u toku.
Rezervišite Vaše mesto i započnite godinu na najbolji mogući način.
Zašto izabrati naše obuke?
- Zagarantovan Raspored: Naša posvećenost Vašem uspehu je nepokolebljiva. Budite sigurni, ove obuke su zagarantovane da će se održati prema planiranom rasporedu, pružajući Vam strukturisano i pouzdano iskustvo učenja.
- Stručni Instruktori: Učite od najboljih u oblasti! Naši instruktori donose bogato iskustvo i poseduju sertifikate u svojim domenima. Iskoristite njihove praktične uvide i stručnost stečenu kroz realnu ekspertizu.
Microsoft Azure Administrator
This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.
Danilo Milutinović
Basic Python
- Šta je Python i zašto ga odabrati?
- Uvod u Python programiranje
- Istraživanje tipova podataka
- Definisanje uslovnih izraza
- Definisanje petlji
- Struktuiranje koda
- Strukture podataka i specifične operacije
- Rukovanje sa greškama
- Rad sa datotekama i direktorijumima (pristupanje, pisanje, premeštanje, brisanje)
- Rad sa bazom podataka u Sqlite3
- Postavljanje Python okruženja
- Rešavanje problema korišćenjem build-in modula
Python se koristi svuda. Brzo je postigao popularnost i kompanije kao što su Google i Facebook ga koriste sve više i više svake godine. Poenta ove obuke je poduči nove programere osnove programiranja kroz brojne primere i vežbe, kao i da nauči kako se Python koristi za rešavanje kompleksnih problema. Pokrivene su sve teme, od osnovnih sintaksa Python jezika do građenja kompleksnijih aplikacija. I ostale teme kao što su struktuiranje koda, rukovanje podacima, ispravljanje grešaka, interakcija sa bazom podataka, rad sa datotekama i adresarima, korišćenje ugrađenih modula su takođe pokrivene. Obuka vas podučava kroz praktične primere. I još ćemo vas provesti kroz proces postavljana Python okruženja.
Foundations of cybersecurity
In this comprehensive 35-hour course, we’ll dive into the fundamental principles of cybersecurity. Whether you’re a curious individual, a small business owner, or an aspiring IT professional, this course is designed to empower you with the knowledge needed to protect your network from threats. This course is the first step you need to take in order to find a job in the cyber security industry which is missing 3.4 million consultants.
- Introduction to Cybersecurity
- Network Security Basics
- Security Controls
- Risk Management and Mitigation
- Security Methodology
- Secure Network Design
- Incident Response and Recovery
- Security Mindset
- Ethical Hacking
- You’ll have a solid foundation in cybersecurity, enabling you to secure a corporate network, protect sensitive data, and make informed decisions to stay safe online.
- The course is delivered by a cybersecurity expert with over 25 years of experience in both education and practical implementation of secure networks. He teaches at many universities worldwide, including Yale and Harvard. His journey began in the military, where he served as a cryptologist and Ethical Hacker, helping to secure sensitive information within governmental databases. After his military service, he transitioned to the private sector, working as a consultant for various governments and militaries worldwide. He is recognized as the number one expert in the world for detecting vulnerabilities in bank networks and ATMs.
AZ-305: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solution
- AZ-305: Microsoft Azure Architect Design Prerequisites
- AZ-305: Design identity, governance, and monitor solutions
- AZ-305: Design business continuity solutions
- AZ-305: Design data storage solutions
- AZ-305: Design infrastructure solutions
- Build great solutions with the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework
- Accelerate cloud adoption with the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
- Dizajniranje infrastrukturnih rešenja
- Upravljanje i arhitektura aplikacija, skladište, integracija podataka, autentifikacija, mreže, kontinuitet poslovanja i migracije
- Principi dizajna arhitekture
Python II
Ukoliko ste kod nas prošli obuku Python I dobijate popust 20% na iznos cene Python II koja tada iznosi 240EUR
- Organizacija velikih programa
- The zen of Python
- Closures i decorators
- Svojstva i metod klasa
- Generators i comprehensions
- Pisanje testova u Python - u
- Uvod u multithreading i GIL
- Uvod u web programiranje i Django
- MVC koncept
- Korišćenje PostgreSQL baze podataka u Djangu
- Modeli i migracije
- Funkcije i Class-based views
- Kreiranje predložaka
- Kreiranje Vaše prve aplikacije u Djangu
AZ-204: Developing solutions for Microsoft Azure
- AZ-204: Implement Azure App Service web apps
- AZ-204: Implement Azure Functions
- AZ-204: Develop solutions that use Blob storage
- AZ-204: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
- AZ-204: Implement containerized solutions
- AZ-204: Implement user authentication and authorization
- AZ-204: Implement secure Azure solutions
- AZ-204: Implement API Management
- AZ-204: Develop event-based solutions
- AZ-204: Develop message-based solutions
- AZ-204: Troubleshoot solutions by using Application Insights
- AZ-204: Implement caching for solutions
- Kreiranje kompletnih rešenja u Microsoft Azure-u
- Implementacija Azure rešenja
- Upravljanje web aplikacijama
* Sve obuke će se održati na srpskom jeziku.
Ljubomir Medaković
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Danilo Milutinović
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Ivan Stojilović
Microsoft Certified Trainer & Power Bi Consultant
Radomir Radišić
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Jovan Glavonjić
Backend & Blockchain Engineer
Stevan Bekvalac
Senior QA Engineer / ISTQB Certified